With summer just around the corner it's always a treat to see the birds in the garden and they do love to keep their plumage clean!
Here's a quick project that you can do in a weekend and it promises to brighten even the shadiest of corners in your garden.
You will need:
A glazed shallow pot (garden centres have lots of these)
Cement based tile adhesive, water and small disposable tub to mix it up in (empty margarine pot is perfect)
A toothpick (to remove excess adhesive from between the mosaic tiles
Tile nippers to cut tiles (you could use a hammer but the results won't be as good)
Wide joint grout and tub (as above) to mix it in and a soft spatula to spread the grout.
We begin by mixing up the cement based tile adhesive to the consistency of butter icing.
Using your soft spatula, spread the cement adhesive over the base of the ceramic pot in an even layer roughly 5mm thick.
Place your china/mosaic tiles gently on top but don't press it into the adhesive until you are happy with the positioning.
I tend to work the central piece first as that is where the eye will naturally go to.
Once you are happy the tiles are in place you can very gently press them into the adhesive. If (and it nearly always does) the cement adhesive pushes up between the gaps you need to take a toothpick and carefully run it in between the gaps to remove any excess.
Continue to place your tiles around your central feature working up to the edge.
Remember to use your toothpick to remove the excess cement adhesive as you work.
Notice how I always try to keep the gaps between the tiles as regular and even as possible. This is the secret to creating a mosaic that is pleasing to the eye.
Apply cement adhesive to the sides and place your tiles as before ensuring you remove any excess as you go with that toothpick!
I applied tiles to the top edge too and then left the bird bath overnight to allow the cement adhesive to completely set.
Once everything is set you are ready to grout your birdbath. I decided to colour the grout for this birdbath so I mixed some acrylic paint into white grout powder, added a splash of water and mixed it to the consistency of butter icing. You can follow my step by step tutorial on grouting mosaics here.
Once the grout has dried (overnight) it is ready to be filled with water (and flowers!) and offered up to the birds to enjoy their luxury mosaic bird bath!